4 Essentials of Adult ADHD Therapy
Orange County Christian Counseling
When considering treatments for adult ADHD, it is important that you have an accurate diagnosis, that you have considered all of your medical history, that you have time for feedback and follow-up, and that you are attempting and monitoring lifestyle shifts.
Accurate diagnosis of adult ADHD
While some adults may joke that they have ADHD, attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder that a licensed psychologist diagnoses. Many people are diagnosed as children because of a teacher or pediatrician’s referral, but not everyone with ADHD finds out they have it in childhood.
You will definitely need a medical diagnosis before receiving treatment. However, if you think you might have ADHD and aren’t sure, seeing a licensed counselor can help. Some counselors are certified psychologists, so they can diagnose you based on the symptoms you describe. If your counselor isn’t a certified psychologist, he or she will provide you with a referral.
Medical history
Even after you are diagnosed, you’ll want your medical history to be up to date, including any medications you take, allergies, and any serious conditions you have. If your treatment of ADHD adult therapy includes pharmacological solutions, this history gives your psychologist an understanding of which classes of drugs you can take. It is also important to know the medical history of your extended family to identify genetic vulnerabilities.
Time for feedback and follow-up
While a psychologist must diagnose ADHD, you can receive ADHD adult therapy from a licensed counselor or therapist even if they aren’t a licensed psychologist. While these fields are closely related, a psychologist has extra training and education. Whether you see a therapist or a psychologist once you’re diagnosed, you will need to build in time for feedback and follow-up.
ADHD adult therapy can involve several types of solutions, and you may need to try several before you find the right combination that works best for you. If you try something that doesn’t work, making sure you have time and space to provide feedback to your therapist is important. This type of follow-up can help you and your counselor determine if research-backed, evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, are effective in your situation.
Other points of discussion between you and your therapist may be your habits, challenges, and other therapeutic methods for ADHD adult therapy. These discussions can include whether to use prescription drugs.
You also might consider meta-cognitive therapy, which helps a person evaluate the types of thought patterns that lead to disorganization, lack of time management skills, and not being able to see more than one or two ways of doing something. Your therapist will also help you look at lifestyle changes you can make.
Lifestyle shifts
ADHD adult therapy isn’t just a way to solve issues you may have as a result of ADHD. It can also be used to look at your lifestyle and make changes to better order your entire life, not just your metacognitive habits and patterns.
For example, if you discover that your late-night TV habit is keeping you awake, one lifestyle shift may be to begin keeping a consistent bedtime routine. Better sleep can help improve ADHD-related memory issues during the day.
Exercise is a lifestyle shift that can benefit and support what you’re working on in ADHD adult therapy. If, for instance, you and your counselor determine that you’ll practice organizational skills to break up your workday, you may decide that part of the workday includes a 15-minute walk at lunch and a fifteen-minute walk before your evening commute.
This is not only good for your overall health, but it can be a marker of how well your organizational skills are improving. If you start to lag in your exercise routine, it’s a red flag that your hard-won organizational skills could use a refresh.
We are here to help with adult ADHD
If you want to confirm you have ADHD or you know it and need help on your journey, we are here. The trained therapists at Orange County Christian Counseling in California can help you. Finding a combination of treatments that make you feel less overwhelmed is important for your mental health, relational health, and physical wellness. Contact our office today at Orange County Christian Counseling to schedule an appointment.
“Mountains and Clouds”, Courtesy of Ales Krivec, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License